I Think My Injury Happened at Work, But I’m Not Sure – What Next?
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I Think My Injury Happened at Work, But I’m Not Sure – What Next?

If you have an injury that may have happened at work, but you are not sure, you may be wondering what to do about it. You probably need some medical treatment. You may need time off from work or be having trouble performing your usual job duties. Here are a few tips on your next steps.

Talk to Your Doctor

You will need to speak to your doctor about your injury. Ask your doctor to document an official diagnosis for the injury and write you a note if you need time off work. Take care of any treatment you need so that your injury does not get worse.

Your doctor may be able to express an opinion about whether the injury was caused by your work duties. For example, if you have developed breathing problems, your doctor may determine that breathing in chemical fumes at work is the cause.

Often people get diagnosed with diseases that turn out to have a work-related cause, which are called occupational diseases. If your job exposes you to specific risks such as hazardous waste, chemicals, or bacteria, your unexplained health problems could have begun at work.

Talk to a Lawyer

Also, you should speak to a workers’ compensation lawyer about your options. The lawyer can help you determine if you have an argument that the workers’ compensation laws cover you. You could have an injury that developed over a long period of time, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, because of your desk setup at work. Or you might have an old, non-work injury that became aggravated due to work duties.

Ask your lawyer about how to report your injury to your employer, which should happen as soon as possible. After you report it, your employer must tell its workers’ compensation insurance company. Your lawyer can help you challenge any denial of benefits by the insurance company. The insurer will take any opportunity not to pay benefits, so an initial denial is likely if your injury is not obviously work-related.

What Is Workers’ Compensation?

In Minnesota, workers’ compensation insurance companies pay benefits to injured workers. The available benefits may include medical treatment and wage loss payments, depending on your injury and how long you are out of work. If you cannot return to your old job or have medical restrictions, the workers’ compensation system can help you too.

Do you need legal help to determine if you have a case for benefits? Joe Osterbauer, Esq. and the Osterbauer Law Firm stand up for injured Minnesota workers’ rights. Joe’s 27 years of workers’ compensation experience and his team’s speedy service combine to get clients the results they need. To schedule a free consultation, visit Osterbauer Law Firm online or call Joe’s office at (612) 334-3434.
