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What are the Four Types of Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

When you claim workers’ compensation benefits, there are four types you can get. It’s vital to understand what these are so you know what you can expect. In a dispute, having a lawyer who understands these types can help you fight for rightful compensation. These four types apply to all states, including workmen compensation insurance in Minnesota.

  1. Medical Benefits

Medical benefits cover all the expenses needed for your medical treatment. The compensation must fully cover everything you need in this area until you reach a full recovery. It means that most workers will continue to get these benefits until they can return to work. These benefits include:

  • Medical equipment
  • Medication
  • Hospital bills
  • Doctor’s fees
  • Therapy
  • Travel costs reimbursement

However, workers’ compensation will only apply if you use a provider under their network. Since it is a form of insurance, you’ll need to get medical care from approved physicians to get the benefits. These are usually professionals that have a working relationship with the insurance company. If you don’t opt for a doctor recognized by the policy, you may lose some or all benefits.

  1. Disability Benefits

With wage benefits, you get a percentage of your salary, depending on the severity of your injury. There are four types of classification within disability benefits:

Temporary Partial Disability

After the injury, you are still able to work but at a limited capacity. These workers usually get a role that requires less activity or one with fewer hours. As you are not able to work fully, you’ll receive benefits. The benefits will pay two-thirds of the difference between what you are earning now and your average weekly allowance then.

There is a limit to getting temporary partial disability benefits. You cannot exceed $450 per week in compensation, and the benefits only apply for 350 weeks from the date of injury.

Temporary Total Disability

If you cannot work for a set number of days, you can apply for temporary total disability benefits. For example, your injury requires you to stay at home and heal. The benefits you’ll get depends on the state you are in, and you’ll typically have to wait at least a week. Temporary total disability gets you two-thirds of your weekly wage before your injury, to a limit of $675 per week.

Permanent Partial Disability

The payment you get for a permanent partial disability will depend on the severity of the injury. It considers the body parts affected, how much you can work, and the limit imposed by the state. To learn more, you can consult an attorney who specializes in workmen compensation insurance in Minnesota.

Permanent Total Disability

Typically, you get benefits until the doctors deem that you are safe to return to work and have recovered. However, if they determine that your injury is permanent, you will receive this benefit. This benefit has a weekly rate, like the temporary total disability, but it has no time limit. You can continue to receive payments for life.

There is also an option to get a lump sum settlement for future payments, but it depends on the provider. A permanent total disability often involves severe injuries such as lost limbs, total blindness, and the like.

  1. Rehabilitation Benefits

If your injury prevents you from getting back to the same type of work, you can receive rehabilitation benefits. These benefits cover any cost needed for you to maintain employment. It includes training, education, and anything that can help you as you change your career path. The benefits will apply even if you need to change your company.

  1. Death Benefits

The dependents of the deceased can get death benefits from the policy. It provides two-thirds of the worker’s average weekly wage to support the spouse, children, and others. Death benefits also cover any funeral and burial costs. It is something that no one likes to encounter, but the provision is available if it does happen.

Workers’ Compensation is a No-Fault Policy

If a worker or their family claims benefits using workers’ compensation, they enter into a no-fault agreement. It means that they will get the benefits, no matter who is at fault. Once accepted, they cannot file for a lawsuit related to the injury or death.

It also means that pain and suffering are not a part of the compensation, even though it is usually a multiplier for many injury lawsuits.

Workers’ compensation policies help protect both parties from the costs of legal proceedings. However, it is not a perfect system. You will not get your full salary, and the cap also makes it impossible to earn a wage for a high-paying job. Disputes can also happen during workers’ compensation claims.

How Much Do I Get?

Workers’ compensation computations depend on the type of work you are doing. Workers get a class assigned to them by the NCCI. From there, they’ll check your payroll, and a careful examination of the company also occurs. Companies with higher counts of claims will pay a higher amount due to the inherent risk.

What if My Company Has No Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation is a requirement for nearly all US states. If your company has no such policy, you can pursue litigation. There are some exceptions, like agricultural workers and temporary workers who don’t get these benefits. If you believe there has been a breach of your rights, consult with a lawyer to understand your options.

Talk to a Skilled and Experienced Lawyer Today

There are cases where a worker does not receive their benefit or gets denied their benefits. For others, the policy may not be enough to fully justify the family’s financial need and the suffering the injury caused. You can consult with a lawyer from Osterbauer Law Firm to get help.

Our team has handled many personal injury cases, including workers’ compensation ones. We understand each step of the process and can give you sound legal advice on what to do next. We’ll also fight aggressively for your rights if your case ever reaches court. Contact us today and learn more about what we can do for you.


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