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Can I Claim Workers’ Comp for Mental Health?

Workman’s comp in Minneapolis is probably associated by most employees and employers in Minnesota with physical injuries and illnesses. However, not all work-related injuries are visible. A stressful or hazardous work environment may have a negative impact, not just on the physical health, but also on the mental health of workers.

Whether it is paired with a physical injury or not, psychological distress can cause employees to develop mental health disorders, such as depression or anxiety. Mental health issues can hamper the ability of workers to function normally in their professional and personal lives.

Today, we will describe what workers’ compensation is and what mental health is. We shall explain if you can claim workman’s comp for mental health. We will discuss what the two types of workers’ comp data are. Finally, we shall expound on how work comp lawyers in MN can help employees like you file a successful claim for mental and psychological injuries.

What Is Workers’ Compensation?

Workers’ compensation refers to a government-mandated system that provides partial medical care and income protection to employees who became injured and sick because of work. It is a type of insurance that grants financial compensation and monetary benefits to workers for the disabilities and injuries they sustained in the course of their employment.

Workers’ comp systems were established to encourage employers to minimize work-related injuries and illnesses. On one hand, most employers purchase workers’ compensation insurance coverage from private insurance companies or state-certified compensation insurance funds. On the other hand, employers who have the budget choose to self-insure.

Each workers’ comp system is governed by the laws of each U.S. state. That’s why every state government gathers certain claims information for private, state, and local government employers.

At present, there is no single central source for workers’ comp data in the nation. Nevertheless, the federal government has a distinct database for employers that are governed on a federal basis. The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) also accumulates claims information from employers all over the country.

What is Mental Health?

Mental health encompasses the psychological, emotional, and social well-being of a person. It influences the feelings, thoughts, and actions of an individual. It is vital to the overall development of a person in all stages of life, starting from the childhood stage and continuing to the adolescence and adult stages. For adults who are working, it affects the way that employees manage stress and interact with other people in the workplace and beyond.

Various factors have an impact on your mental health. These factors include biological factors, family history, and unique experiences in your personal life and professional life.

Can I Claim Workman’s Comp in Minneapolis for Mental Health?

Yes, you can claim workers’ compensation for mental health reasons in the city of Minneapolis in the state of Minnesota. Mental and psychological injuries are considered compensable under the Workers’ Compensation Act. There are three types of mental injuries that you can get compensated for:

  1. Physical / Mental Injury

A physical/mental injury refers to a condition that develops during or after a work-related incident. For example, you may start struggling with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after you become hurt in a car accident during a work trip.

You must establish that your physical injury caused your psychological injury. Take note that your physical injury does not need to lead to a disability for it to be the valid cause of a mental health issue.

  1. Mental / Physical Injury

A mental/physical injury describes a mental condition that tangibly manifests itself. For instance, overwork in the office can lead you to suffer from ulcers or other gastrointestinal issues.

You need to prove that work-related mental stress has caused your physical problem. The two elements that characterize this type of injury are a psychological cause that leads to a physical issue and the loss of ability to work because of this physical condition.

  1. Mental / Mental Injury

Mental/mental injury describes a psychological trauma that causes a mental condition. The root of the mental health issue may be a one-time psychological trauma or a generally stressful work environment. For example, you may develop PTSD if you encounter sexual harassment by a colleague. You may also start battling anxiety disorder if you are always tense because of too many deadlines.

You must establish the occurrence of a traumatic event in the workplace or the existence of unpleasant working conditions that cause psychological distress.

What Are the Two Types of Workers’ Compensation Data?

Workers’ compensation information covers both mental disorders and physical injuries. These are the two main types of workers’ compensation data that are collected by state governments, insurance companies, employers, and other organizations:

  1. Claims Data

Workers’ compensation claims are typically filed by employees who become hurt or sick because of their job. Each claim usually describes the overview and details of the illness or injury and how it was sustained by the worker.

The claim indicates the type of medical care the employee received, the number of medical expenses, the number of days the worker was unable to work, and the cost of partial wage replacement. It includes information on the personal and professional characteristics of the employee, such as the occupation, tenure with the employer, age, and gender.

  1. Employer Data

Employers and insurance companies accumulate information about the various kinds of hazards that exist in the workplace. They also collect data on safety and health programs that can reduce the occurrence of illnesses and injuries among employees. They gather information on return-to-work programs to minimize the severity of sickness and injuries.

Whether you are filing a workers’ comp claim related to mental health or physical health, it is essential for you to collect complete, accurate information and supporting documents to increase your chances of making a successful claim. Attorneys who specialize in workers’ compensation can assist you in compiling the necessary data and documents for your claim.

Claim Workers’ Comp for Mental Health with the Help of Work Comp Lawyers in MN

Workman’s comp in Minneapolis is within your reach if you developed mental health issues because of your job. The expert work comp lawyers in MN of Osterbauer Law Firm can help you to attain the financial compensation that you are rightfully entitled to under the Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Act.

Take the first step to claiming workers’ comp for mental health. Call (612) 334-3434 or send us a message to schedule a free, no-obligation initial consultation with the competent legal team of Osterbauer Law Firm.


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