Law Firm For Personal Injury Eden Prairie MN
How Important is Your Personal Injury Attorney in Eden Prairie, MN?
Why The Choice of Personal Injury Attorney Matters
Do Your Homework
Research the various law firms in and near the area where you had the accident, as they will be most familiar with the local and state laws that apply, as well as be familiar with the justices in the district and how they operate their courtrooms.
Call Osterbauer Law Firm at 612-334-3434 for a free consultation. Our lawyers have much experience working personal injury cases; let us evaluate your case and present the best argument so you can get the most compensation for your injuries.
Minnesota Personal Injury Lawyer
Personal Injury Law
Personal injury involves any injury to an individual. This area of law allows an injured person to sue in a private action called a civil action
Workers' Compensation
All states have workers’ compensation laws. The state in which your accident occurred will have jurisdiction in your case. Also, the state
Effective Injury Lawyers
We have a strong belief in the relationship between our lawyers and our clients. With twenty years of experience to offer, our clients have full