How Work Hazards Lead to Workers’ Compensation Cases
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How Work Hazards Lead to Workers’ Compensation Cases

If there is a hazard at your workplace, watch out – it could lead to a workers’ compensation case. Many employees face both expected and unexpected hazards at work every day. Unfortunately, sometimes people get hurt as a result.

Types of Hazards You May Encounter at Work

Depending on your workplace and occupation, you may run into all kinds of hazards at work. These could be industrial hazards like:

  • Dust clouds
  • Hazardous chemicals
  • Broken glass
  • Working high up on a ladder or building
  • Explosions

Those who work in healthcare face biological safety hazards and other risks such as:

  • Contracting an infectious disease
  • Cutting themselves with medical instruments
  • Needle pokes
  • Assaults by patients

If you work in an office, you may face more pedestrian risks such as slippery floors, uncomfortable and unergonomic workstations, or dangerously hot or cold office space. All could lead to work injuries.

When a Hazard Leads to an Injury

Hazards can lead to either acute work injuries or those that develop more slowly. Acute injuries often occur when there is an accident at the workplace, such as a chemical spill, an explosion, or a slip and fall on floor that was wet. Longer-term injuries may develop because of exposure to hazardous substances or lack of ergonomic desks.

In Minnesota, injured employees can receive workers’ compensation benefits if they are hurt in the course and scope of employment. In addition, courts are now requiring that employees show an increased risk of injury, outside what you would encounter in your life outside work. (See Dykhoff v. Xcel Energy.) Workplace hazards often create that increased risk of injury.

Need help getting workers’ compensation for your injury? Joe Osterbauer, Esq. and the Osterbauer Law Firm stand up for injured Minnesota workers’ rights. Joe’s 27 years of workers’ compensation experience and his team’s speedy service combine to get clients the results they need. To schedule a free consultation, visit Osterbauer Law Firm online or call Joe’s office at (612) 334-3434.
