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What Can an Immigration Lawyer Do for You?

Immigration law in the United States is highly complicated. Handling every aspect of immigration law is not something you’d want to do on your own. Even those who speak English have a great deal of difficulty completing the considerable paperwork required for immigration, let alone migrants from other places whose native tongue is not English.

Although hiring a lawyer isn’t always necessary, in some cases, it can save you a lot of time, frustration, and even money. Working with an immigration lawyer who is well-versed in current immigration regulations can considerably lessen the threat of making blunders or errors. If you’re on the fence about whether to hire an immigration attorney near St. Paul, keep reading. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing what an immigration lawyer can do for you.

The Role of an Immigration Lawyer

Compared to other kinds of attorneys, immigration lawyers play a rather distinctive role. You can rely on them to help you understand immigration law and analyze your rights and options and assist you in completing the process of immigration. It is the job of immigration lawyers to handle all legal issues related to immigration.

They do a lot more than assist people in becoming citizens. Immigration lawyers can also defend their clients’ rights and keep them from being deported. A lawyer can give legal advice on whether or not a person will be able to secure a work visa for employment abroad. Immigration lawyers can also help students who are planning on studying overseas by obtaining the proper visa.

It is their role to explain the ins and outs of the immigration procedure to you in a way that is easy to comprehend. They can take care of all of the paperwork, saving you a great deal of time and giving you peace of mind. They can also assist you in organizing your documents and verifying their validity.

When dealing with anything this important, it’s best to seek the advice of an expert lawyer. Otherwise, you run the risk of making a mistake. Concerns like incorrectly filling out an immigration application form might complicate things significantly. Having an immigration lawyer on your side will ensure that you have all the correct and necessary information. Doing so will provide you with a sense of security while avoiding issues like delays and rejections.

How an Immigration Lawyer Can Help

Here are some of the things that an immigration lawyer can do for you:

Help You Change Your Immigration Status

When you’re already in the United States on a particular visa or status and want to switch to a different one, things might get much more complicated. For example, something like the ability to go in and out on your present visa could jeopardize your current application. It’s a good idea to seek the assistance of an immigration lawyer at this point to prevent making any avoidable mistakes.

Assist You with Your Asylum Application

Asylum seekers must face a lengthy application process that might take months or even years to complete. An asylee’s application may be delayed or denied if any documentation or evidence is incorrect or omitted.

In addition to this, asylum applications are evaluated based on credible fear. Credible fear means proving that the asylum request is justified based on a real threat to the asylee’s wellbeing.

This can be a traumatic process for applicants since it forces them to relive painful memories. Expert lawyers offer emotional and legal support throughout challenging interview processes. In addition, they protect and preserve the rights of asylees.

Defend You in Court Proceedings Against Deportation

If you are facing deportation or removal from the country, your lawyer will assist you and any witnesses in preparing for your appearance in court as well as dealing with the complexities of court procedures and deadlines.

They’ll also prepare briefs on your behalf and represent you in hearings to argue your case in court. Your lawyer will give you advice on how to respond to questioning and how to proceed in court. The actions immigration lawyers take ensure you have the best chance of winning your deportation case.

Defend A Loved One Who Has Been Detained by the Authorities

Detainment takes a considerable toll on a person’s body and mind. Detainees have limited access to legal representation, which is problematic at every stage of the legal process. It’s possible to get your loved one out of detention even if ICE or some other government agency has arrested and detained them.

Immigration lawyers with plenty of experience can assist you in tracking down a loved one who has been taken into custody. They can help you design an action plan and ensure that your loved one’s rights are protected.

The Bottom Line

Finding answers to your immigration problems might be a tough challenge. If you want to make the process go more smoothly, hiring an immigration attorney near St. Paul is the best option. Given how rigorous and time-consuming immigration processes can be, entrusting the task to a skilled attorney will be incredibly helpful for you.

If you are looking for an experienced and reliable immigration attorney near St. Paul, you can get in touch with us at Osterbauer Law Firm to get help. We know the ins and outs of the immigration process and can guide you through the following steps. We’ll do everything we can to protect your interests.


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