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Seeking Legal Help From Our MSRS Disability Attorneys In St. Paul

Employees working in civil service jobs through the University of Minnesota, as state employees and those working for the Metropolitan Council are automatically enrolled in the specific MSRS plan based on their employment type.

The General Employees Retirement Plan offers both retirement and disability benefits for qualifying employees. While all the plans are designed to benefit qualifying employees in the St. Paul area, they are not always easy to understand. Applying for benefits can be confusing, and a denial of these benefits can be surprising, particularly in the case of a work-related disability.

This is where our MSRS disability lawyers/attorneys at Osterbauer Law Firm in St. Paul are here to help. We understand the system, the applications, and how applications for retirement or an MSRS disability claim is handled in the system.

Common Issues with the MSRS Plan

Problems with the MSRS retirement application can include errors in recording employment or the incorrect reporting by the employer back to the system. Issues such as leaves of absence, or moving from part-time from full-time work or vice versa, can all create the potential for application issues. Our attorneys can work with you to address any reasons for the denial of MSRS retirement benefits.

The MSRS disability claim denial can be more complicated. This is often a factor of the lack of medical documentation to support the disability claim. If you receive a denial notice, talk to our MSRS disability lawyers/attorneys to understand the appeals process and what is needed to prove your case.
